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我的问答中心 我要提问 我要回答发表于:2011-08-09 17:16

我是9月29日02 AM上海飞伊斯坦布尔的航班,俄航的,当天08 AM到达莫斯科SVO机场terminal F,当天09 AM 从莫斯科SVO机场terminal D起飞到伊斯坦布尔。


提问者:猪猪judy  提问于:2011-08-09


我也是23号这个航班,从俄航官网上看,从F航站楼到D航站楼还要做SHUTTLE BUS,坐车是不是唯一的方法?
Arrival on an international flight to Sheremetyevo-F(2) and departure on an international flight from Sheremetyevo-D(3). Minimum connection time: 1 hour 10 minutes.
From the apron drive, go to the arrival pier and on to the transfer passenger service zone located on the same level (directly near the escalator to the passport control zone), contact a transfer group officer, and follow his/her instructions. After having checked in for the connecting flight, go outside the building via Exit 20 to the Aeroflot Transit free shuttle stop (the stop is indicated by the “Аэрофлот Транзит (Aeroflot Transit)” sign). Buses run from Sheremetyevo-F(2) to Sheremetyevo-D(3) every 15 minutes and, in rush hours, every 10 minutes.

回答者:jerrywjp  回复时间:2011-09-19

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