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Tourist guide for 4 day sightseeing in Zhangjiajie

我的问答中心 我要提问 我要回答发表于:2011-05-09 00:00

I need to hire a mandarin speaking ( no need to be English speaking )guide for 4 day tour and sightseeing in Zhangjiajie. Please let me know where I can find one who is reliable and licensed and how much it would cost me per day. I am a Chinese and can speak and read Chinese but can''t write Chinese. I already made my hotel and airline booking for the last week of May. Please help. Thanks

提问者:dwu1  提问于:2011-05-09


Ha Ha, I suggest you''d better translate your request to Chinese. http://translate.google.cn/?sourceid=cnhp#

回答者:Michael77555  回复时间:2011-05-09

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