明年2 3 月份 要飞去圣地亚哥 第一次 所以网上找了好久 都没找到 比较合算的 机票 。希望哪位高手指点指点
I have flown to Santiago several times from San Francisco. I think perhaps you could get a ticket from Beijing to
Sorry I can´t write this message in Chinese. First, I don´t know how to do Chinese typing, and secondly, my Chinese is not up to par. I apologize for that. I have travelled and stayed in South America for some three years. Yes, three years. I can´t believe it myself. But if any member wish to read about my travels in South America--Chile, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, Panama, Cost Rica, Guatemela, etc, they could post a question or something, and I could answer it if I have the info available. Best of luck.