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我的问答中心 我要提问 我要回答发表于:2008-07-14 21:31

我刚买了巴黎去摩洛哥的八月底的来回机票,问问现在去签证应该还来得及吧? 还有签证是否一定需要住舍证明 ? 需要的话我在网上订一晚的酒店就ok了吗 ? 谢谢回答

提问者:自然  提问于:2008-07-14


You'd better go to apply for it asap, in Denmark I know it needs 2 or 3 months, but in Paris its faster.
The reservation is good for application so you might book some hotels without any booking fee. Like this website: www.booking.com
when your visa is issued, you just cancel your booking for free

回答者:sbsl  回复时间:2008-07-14

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