Trains allowed
Express, IC, ICN, IC Plus, ES*city, ES*, AV and T-Biz, couchettes and WL
Reduced by 20% with respect to the Standard Fare, Minimum Price 10 euro.
Can be bought up until midnight on the day before train departure and for a limited number of places.
Booking change
Can be made only once before the booked train's departure and only for a journey after the first booking for the places available for the offer from the ticket desks, travel agencies, self-service machines, on this website and by phoning the Call Center 89.20.21* or the issuing travel agency, also with Ticketless procedure. The booking change is free.
Agencies may charge a commission for this service.
Ticket change
Allowed only once paying 20% of the returned ticket with the maximum of 3 euro from issue date until the train's departure time. Can be done only at the ticket desks or travel agencies Changes of tickets bought on this site cannot be made on-line. To change them, you must previously pick up the printed ticket and changing is allowed only for equal or higher amounts.
Travelling on another train
This is allowed, subject to ticket validation and by paying 8.00 euro and any extra fare necessary for using a train of the same or different type or different class or service on the departure date of the train booked and up until three hours afterwards also after this period if taking the first train available of the same or lower category for arriving at the destination
In cases of use on different days, travellers are considered as being without a ticket Refund
Possible until the train's departure time with 20% deduction charge. Refunds for printed tickets can only be requested from the ticket desks or from the issuing travel agency. No refunds are allowed if the refundable amount, net of deductions, is equal to or less than 8 euro. Refunds for journey interruption are not allowed.
Refunds of tickets purchased on this site also with Ticketless procedure can be requested if not yet picked up, by using the "on-line refund" service (only for refunds of the full purchase) by calling Trenitalia's Call Center or by e-mail, by sending an e-mail to rimborsi@trenitalia.it. After the pick up, you must make the request at any station ticket counter, which will forward it to the appropriate Office.
Refunds are made by re-credit on the credit card used for the purchase.
For ticketless tickets purchased from the travel agencies, you must go, before departure, to the issuing agency or, after printing the tickets at the self-service machines, to the station ticket desk. If the travel agency is closed, the request must be sent to the Call Center, which will authorise the agency to refund afterwards
The regulations on refunds are given fully in section Rules for national services (Italian Only) on this website.
只要你提前24小时买票 都可以买Amica 享受8折优惠 随便哪都能买到 不过票价打折后 低于10欧的话 就不能买Amica 而且能买amica的火车 只限于意大利各个大区之间的火车 大区内的火车不享受此政策 ~~而且买amica 的话 是免费送座位的