清新旅程 由此开始



我的问答中心 我要提问 我要回答发表于:2007-02-21 22:41


目前我构思的行程是7号早上(或6号下午5点)飞Cancun,然后花一个星期的样子玩Cancun, Tulum, Yucatan Peninsula。然后坐车去San Cristobal 和Palenque,然后从San Cristobal附近那个机场飞Mexico City, 然后在Mexico City和Teotihuacan玩3天的样子。然后飞回美国。


3/7 (or early evening of 3/6) : arrive and stay in Cancun.
3/8 - 3/9 : Morning bus to Tulum on 3/8 and stay there. (?Visiting some nearby places if have time?) Afternoon bus to Chichen Itza on 3/9 and sleep there.
3/10 - 3/11 : Chichen Itza 3/10. Afternoon bus to Merida on 3/10, sleep there and visit Uxmal on 3/11. Take an overnight bus on 3/11 to Palenque.
3/12 : Palenque and sleep there
3/13 - 3/14 : Morning bus to San Cristobal on 3/13 and stay there. Afternoon flight from Tuxtla Gutierrez Airport (TGZ) to Mexico City or Toluca (depends on which flight would be cheaper) in the afternoon of 3/14
3/15 - 3/17 : Mexico City, Teotihuacan and Tula if I have time
3/18 noon Fly back from Mexico City

提问者:happy_kk  提问于:2007-02-21


引用  “
chichen itza现在不比以前了,主要是去年摔死个老太太,不让爬了,只能走马观花。

I am glad we have done that.

回答者:showjohnathan  回复时间:2007-02-21

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